Enroll in workshops, schedule tutorials and attend study groups whether or not you enroll in the Practitioner Training Program or become an Associate Member. Only persons with a minimum Associate Level training and membership may use the registered trademark, Ortho-Bionomy® (see below).
Massage therapists and bodyworkers enroll in classes to enhance their skills, help their clients and fulfill continuing education requirements. Many complete the Practitioner Training Programs because the results they achieve with clients are unparalleled. As if that weren't enough, the work is performed with ease rather than effort, taking less toll on the bodyworker. In fact, practitioners feel good while doing the work--and, it's fun! The system is comprehensive, wholistic and techniques are based on principles of innate healing responses and the inner wisdom that lies within our bodies and ourselves. Ortho-Bionomy reminds us how to be more at ease in our bodies and our lives; it reminds us to be respectful of ourselves and others.
No previous training in bodywork or massage is
required to take a class or enroll in the training. If you have not had anatomy courses, you may want to have a basic anatomy book to help with landmarks and terminology. Description of Workshops (select at left) can give you an idea of
the breadth and depth of Ortho-Bionomy and the training programs. To understand Ortho-Bionomy one must experience it.
There is a Registered Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Training
Program as well as Instructor Training in Ortho-Bionomy®. With each level of training students build and deepen their understanding of the principles, philosophy and practice of
Ortho-Bionomy. Ample time is provided for hands-on learning and experience through workshops, clinical practice, study groups (small group classes), tutorials (semi-private and private training) with an experienced advisor/instructor(s). The open, apprentice-style structure of the training programs allows students the flexibility to create their own structure with the guidance of an advisor(s), the ease to learn at their own pace, in their own way and to "fill in the blanks" between workshops with small group or private learning sessions. Students are encouraged to ask their advisor about anything that comes up for them, in their work with clients, techniques or the program. Completion of each level of training is registered with the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, and their referral network. All workshops taken qualify for the training programs, and students may enroll in the Practitioner Program at any time.
Associate membership means you qualify to be included on the national referral list, with a free website, and you may use the trademark "Ortho-Bionomy®" on business cards and other promotional material as one of the modalities you use in your work. Associate Members are required to complete 16 workshop units every two years to maintain their Associate level status.
Associate Membership requires completion of 112 workshop units/hours, as outlined below, a session received, and a session for feedback. Students who work with Ann may complete the required sessions in 3-1/2 to four hours of one-on-one time.
Core Curriculum (Units are approximately one hour):
32 Units/Hours Phase 4
16 Units Phase 5
16 Units Phase 6
16 Units Ethics and Emotional Issues*
32 Units of any of the workshops included in the Practitioner Training Program Core Curriculum (other than electives).
*May be completed in an alternate fashion. See Associate Membership Form for explanation.
Student Membership Form (Student Membership is required when applying to programs.) You may fill out the Student Membship Form online.
Practitioner Program
This program is designed to give
individuals a comprehensive understanding of the art and
practice of Ortho-Bionomy. The focus is on assuring that
the student understands the application of the principles
of Ortho-Bionomy to the techniques and is prepared to
present and demonstrate Ortho-Bionomy in their own
practices and communities. Practitioner Members of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. are required to complete 16 workshop units/hours every two years.
Practitioner Program Entrance Requirements:
1. Completion of one Phase Four/Basic workshop;
2. Receive two sessions from a Registered Instructor or
3. Current membership and payment of the Practitioner
Program Enrollment Fee of $100.
Curriculum (Units are approximately one hour,
16 units per weekend):
64 Units Phase Four
16 Phase Five
16 Phase Six
16 Postural Re-Education and Post Techniques
16 Isometrics
16 Exploration of Movement Patterns
16 Chapman's Reflexes
16 Ethics and Emotional Issues
16 Demonstration Skills* (may be waived)
16 Elements of a Successful Practice* (may be waived)
32 Anatomy and Physiology* (may be waived)
16 Elective
40 Residential (five day minimum)
16 Practitioner Training Seminar
18 Study Groups (six three-hour study groups minimum)
20 Tutorials
150 Documented Sessions (Supervised Practice)
500 Units Total
1. Three sessions given to an Instructor or Senior
2. A demonstration of Ortho-Bionomy given as an
introduction to your practice, to a minimum of four
people, and observed by an Instructor;
3. A short written essay (at least one page) on what the
philosophy and principles of Ortho-Bionomy means to you
personally and professionally;
4. Payment of the Registration Fee of $150.
Students choose an Instructor as an Advisor during their training. The Advisor assists the student while they complete their curriculum through Tutorials, which are one-on-one discussions and individualized hands-on training, as well as feedback and evaluation sessions. Some classes may be waived for students with prior training, such as Anatomy and Physiology and Elements of a Successful Practice. Ortho-Bionomy combines extremely well with massage and other modalities and most students integrate Ortho-Bionomy into their existing professional practices. The curriculum and evaluation listed above is the minimum required for completion of the Practitioner Program.