
Ortho-Bionomy Workshops
Postural Re-education & Post Techniques


Postural Re-Education & Post Techniques
No Pre-requisites.

8 unit Post Techniques, 8 units Postural Re-education
Location: Scroll down for workshop locations and other information.

In order to help people with chronic pain and people who sit all day, to become pain-free, you must work with posture and structural alignment. Empower your clients to tune into their bodies and engage their innate self-corrective reflexes to develop awareness, ease and comfort, to relieve pain and improve their well-being and enjoyment of life. Therapists benefit, too.

In this class, participants learn how to evaluate and help clients resolve inefficient postural habits which are often the underlying factor in chronic back pain, neck pain and pain that travels into the extremiites. Post techniques are used to assess and release areas of tension, to deepen and integrate work done in a session. Techniques to work with spinal curvatures and scoliosis will be presented and practiced. Participants will practice how to teach clients exercises and movements that develop their ability to maintain balance, initiate self-correction through postural work and prevent the recurrence of pain through neuromuscular re-education. Important to any bodywork practitioner who wants to help relieve chronic pain, Postural Re-education is another way to build your practice and empower clients to feel better faster.
It is amazing that a few simple exercises, that can be done almost anywhere, can relieve pain so quickly. That's the incredible effectiveness of our body's self-corrective ability to restore well-being from within.

"While writing the workshop outline years ago, I taught a neighbor with kyphosis and chronic low back pain many of the postural exercises you’ll learn in class.  He was amazed with the results.  Said he could feel that he was standing straighter, taller immediately after the work.  The next day, he called and exclaimed that he felt no back pain at all, even after sitting through a verrrryy loooonnnnng movie.  We were both impressed by the immediate efficacy and long-lasting results of the Post Techniques and Postural Re-Education." ~ Ann Hoeffel

Please bring to class: 1 sheet for a massage table, a pillow, a face cradle cover, two hand towels, pen or pencil and paper. Women, please bring or wear a shirt that buttons down the front or sports bra. On the afternoon of the second day, we welcome people with scoliosis to work with. Optimally, one person for every two students. Each will receive assistance at no cost while the students benefit from seeing and practicing the work as you would with clients.

  December 1-5, 2019
Williams Bay, WI - 104 N Walworth
(the Bay of Lake Geneva)

Contact: Sandy Wolff, 262-745-9585 or email: sandypearce38@yahoo.com with WORKSHOP in subject line.
Need lodging? Let Sandy know whether you prefer lodging on your own or to share and save on lodging expenses.

Max 10 students ~ Early Savings ends November 1
Sessions with the Instructor are available December 3 or 5. Schedule through Sandy Wolff or the instructor.

Note to people who competed SPINE Integrated Immersion: This Series is designed with you in mind. Register for Postural Re-education, Practicum and Exporation of Movement Patterns to complete the 16 hours total of these two courses, required for Practitioner Training. This is also indicated in the registration info below. Repeating Post Techniques is welcome and optional.

Post Techniques (this material is integrated in the SPINE Integrated Immersion. Repeat is optional.)
Dec 1, 2019 - Max 10 students
9am-6pm - 8 NCTMB CE hours | Ortho-Bionomy® Program Post Techniques units

Pre-requisite: Spine 2-day workshop or SPINE Integrated Immersion.
$170 Early (4 weeks) by Nov. 1 | $195 after

Postural Re-Education
December 2, 2019, 9am-6pm - Max 10 students
8 NCTMB CE hours | Ortho-Bionomy® Postural Re-Education units

If you have not completed SPINE Integrated Immersion, then you may want to enroll in both Post Techniques and Postural Re-education. This will fulfill all 16 units of Postural Re-Educatoin & Post Techniques for the Practitioner Program. Both days $325, register below.

No pre-requisites: $170 Early (4 weeks) by Nov. 1 | $195 after

NOTE: See above "Please bring to class." Please let Sandy know if you know someone interested in learning gentle self-care for scoliosis.

Postural Practicum / Lab + Sessions with the Instructor
December 3, 9am-noon - Max 10 students
3 units Study Group for Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner Training

Pre-requisite: Postural Re-Education & Post Techniques (or SPINE Immersion and Postural Re-Education)
$75 EARLY (4 weeks) by Nov 1 | $85 later

NOTE: See above "Please bring to class." We need people with scoliosis and other postural imbalances to work with in this Practicum. Please let Sandy know if you know someone interested in learning gentle self-care for scoliosis.

Exploration of Movement Patterns - Includes Standing & Walking
December 4, 2019, 9am-6pm - Max 10 students
8 NCTMB CE hours | Ortho-Bionomy® Program Movement Patterns units (8 are in SPINE Integrated Immersion)

No pre-requisites
$170 Early (4 weeks) by Nov. 1 | $195 after

If you have completed SPINE Integrated Immersion, this course includes the second 8 of 16 tootal units required for Practitioner Training.

Multiple workshop discounts: EARLY by Nov 1

EARLY $390 for Postural Re-Education & Post Techniques+ Practicum

EARLY $390 for Postural Re-Education, Movement Patterns + Practicum (Register for this is you completed SPINE Immersion)

EARLY $545 for all 27 units

Multiple workshop discounts: Nov. 2 or later

$455 for Postural Re-Education & Post Techniques+ Practicum

$455 for for Postural Re-Education, Movement Patterns + Practicum (Register for this is you completed SPINE Immersion)

$615 for all 27 units

Register Now - click here NOTE: See above "Please bring to class."


The Sun Center, Chicago, IL


Contact: The Sun Center, 312-280-1070.
Go to: Registration / Cancellation Policies.

TBD, 16 units Ortho-Bionomy / NCTMB CE Hrs

Pre-requisites: Essential Elements Home Study Course, or previous workshop or experience with Ortho-Bionomy or other modalities that work with self-correcting mechanisms.

NOTE: See above "Please bring to class." You do not need to bring a pillow. Pleae let me know if you know someone interested in learning gentle self-care for scoliosis.

Register for Friday - Sunday, get 20 units / CE Hours and save on tuition: