Introduction & Essential Elements: Connection & Sensing
Learn about the science of proprioception, then experience it. Science comes alive as you explore the surprising effectiveness of working WITH the body's self-correcting reflexes and WITH the client. This workshop trains students in the essential touch of deep self-correction, such as how much pressure to use, how to sense and engage the client's self-correction; how to elicit feedback from clients when needed, especially important for clients with debilitating pain. (Often available as Home Study Course with hands-on application in class)
No Pre-Requisites.
Phase 4 (includes 1-4) : Positions of comfort, related to structural imbalances, release stress and tension in muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons by stimulating the body's self-corrective reflexes, often in as little as 10-30 seconds. When the tension is released in this way, the body restores its natural alignment. Function, circulation and overall well-being arise from the inside-out.
These techniques help relieve all kinds of joint pain, muscular pain, fascial pain, referred pain, tingling and problems related to nerve impingement; increase range of motion and flexibility; speed recovery from injury; as well as promote deep, restorative relaxation and stress relief, which is so important to health, prevention of illness and healthy aging.
In-depth training includes: 1) principles of self-healing responses, 2) anatomy review, 3) assessments, 4) demonstration and step-by-step review of release, re-pattern and integration techniques, 5) ample time for hands-on practice by participants, giving and receiving the work, 6) discussion and question and answer, 7) body mechanics to help the therapist maintain ease in their own body while helping clients.
Additionally, in each workshop we will discuss how to integrate new techniques with modalities you use in your work eeryday and how to adapt new techniques to each person's individual needs. Work received in class often goes a long way to alleviateparticipants' chronic body issues.
Put new skills to work for you the next day.
Spine & Pelvis (includes Neck):
- Four ways to release the psoas without causing pain, essential to eliminating low back pain and improving posture
- Self-care for the psoas, important for chronic tension
- Soft tissue releases that facilitate mobilization of each vertebra of the spine, including every vertebra in the neck, thoracic and lumbar spine
- Releases that alleviate neck pain, headaches, whiplash
- Pelvic balancing, including mobilization for each ilium, the sacrum and coccyx
- Releases important in alleviating sciatic pain, scoliosis, and in relieving and preventing headaches and pain throughout the body
- Learning how imbalances in the spine and pelvis affect to endocrine balance and organ function, and why this course is a pre-requisite for some others.
Ribs & Ribcage:
- Determine when muscular tension and hard to detect pain patterns in the back are caused by rib misalignment and how to alleviate it
- Free restrictions in the upper and lower ribcage, including sternum and diaphragm
- Individual ribs, including raised rib, depressed rib, most common imbalances of 1st and 3rd ribs and their importance to carpal tunnel, freeing the breath, and overall well-being
- Release imbalances that contribute to thoracic outlet problems, restricted breathing, carpal tunnel & others
- The importance of the neck, ribcage and thoracic outlet in alleviating problems felt in the upper extremities will also be addressed.
Upper Extremities:
- Eight tension points important to the structural integrity of shoulder and restoration of function after injury
- Mobilize and align the joints of shoulder and arm, including scapulae, clavicle, elbow, (including tendonitis/osis, tennis elbow and golf elbow), wrist and entire hand (important to carpal tunnel), including carpals, metacarpals, phalanges and each digit of each finger.
- Release the forearm muscles without causing pain ("aaahhh," massage therapists)
- Release imbalances in the clavicle and scapula that contribute to thoracic outlet problems, carpal tunnel & others
- The importance of the neck, ribcage and thoracic outlet in alleviating problems felt in the upper extremities will also be discussed, as time allows.
Lower Extremities:
- Internal / external femur rotation Four ways to release the psoas without causing pain
- Release and rebalance patella
- Structural alignment for femur /tibia, including override / underride, lateral shear, internal/external rotation,
meniscus, periosteal knee points including the master knee point
- Rebalance the fibula
- Restore tibia/talus alignment, calcaneous/talus alignment (important to a wide range of foot problems)
- Release tension in the the lateral and horizontal arches of the foot, and every bone in the foot
- Discuss relationship of low back pain, sciatic pain and unstable pelvis to imbalances in the leg and foot.
"Hi Ann - Just wanted to share a success story... I saw a regular client yesterday.. a mechanic with chronic shoulder pain. He is also a musician and has trouble with stiff swollen hands from his mechanic work. I did the whole set of shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand releases on the left side and not only was he aligned and pain free, his swollen left hand quickly went down to normal size...something I've never seen on him before. He wiggled his newly flexible fingers, compared his left hand size to his right hand size and was amazed... (me too, this stuff really works)"
-- B.B. Massage Therapist - IL
Pre-requisite: Everyone is welcome. Introduction & Essential Elements is often available as a Home Study Course to be completed before the workshop. A previous 2-day Phase 4 Ortho-Bionomy workshop also qualifies as a pre-requisite.