
Description of Workshops -- Phase 4 (1-4)

Foundation Level: Phase 4 (Covers 1-4):
Spine & Pelvis (16 units), Upper Extremities (8 units), Ribs & Ribcage (8 units), Lower Extremities (16 units)
Pre-requisites: Essential Elements + Introduction, which is often taught the morning of the first day.

This class is known as Phase 4 but think of it as Phases 1-4. Movements and positions of comfort facilitate the release of overall stress and tension in muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons by stimulating the body's self-corrective, proprioceptive (neuromuscu- lar and neuro-ligamentous) reflexes, often in as little as 10 seconds. Once the tension / imbalance is released, the body returns to its natural alignment, restoring function, circulation and overall well-being from the inside- out. The use and practice of these techniques are demonstrated in relation to the philosophy and principles of Ortho-Bionomy. These techniques help relieve all kinds of joint pain, muscular pain, fascial pain, referred
pain, tingling and problems related to nerve impingement; increase range of motion and flexibility; speed re-
covery from injury; as well as promote deep, restorative relaxation, which is so important for health and over-
all well-being.

Multi-dimensional, in-depth learning includes: 1) principles and theory, 2) anatomy review, 3) explanation and
demonstration of technique, 4) step-by-step review of technique, 5) ample time for hands-on practice by par-
ticipants, 6) experiential learning by giving and receiving the work, 7) further discussion and question-answer.

Each workshop includes instruction in:
• How to assess the body for imbalances in each region
• How to release the tension creating the imbalance
• How releases can actually take place in 10-90 seconds
• How to integrate the release to further aid in restoring alignment, and achieve long-lasting results
• How to re-assess the body for change and what to do if there is not
• Body mechanics to help the therapist maintain ease in their own body while helping clients
• Ways to integrate techniques with other modalities will be discussed and demonstrated, as time allows
• How to adapt these techniques to ease chronic tension, trauma, or for persons with severely restricted
movement will be discussed, as time allows
• Receive approximately 3 hours of bodywork each day
• How to put new skills to work for you the next day. It’s easier to do than it is to describe.

For in-depth learning, Phase 4 is taught in segments to cover release techniques for virtually every joint in the
body, and is repeated at least once in the Practitioner Training Program:

Spine & Pelvis, some specifics:
• Four ways to release the psoas without causing pain, a significant factor in low back pain and posture
• Self-care for the psoas, the fight-flight-or freeze stress reaction, essential for chronic tension
• Soft tissue tension release and mobilization of each vertebra of the spine, including every vertebra in the
neck, thoracic and lumbar spine
• Balance the pelvis, including mobilization for each ilium, the sacrum and coccyx
• Releases important to alleviate sciatic pain, scoliosis, and to relieve and prevent headaches
• The relationship of spine and pelvis to endocrine function.

Ribs & Ribcage, usually combined with Upper Extremities or Spine & Pelvis, some specifics:
• Determine when muscular tension and hard to detect pain patterns in the back are caused by rib misalign-
ment and how to alleviate it
• Free restrictions in the upper and lower ribcage, including sternum and diaphragm
• Individual ribs, including raised rib, depressed rib, most common imbalances of 1st and 3rd ribs and their
importance to carpal tunnel, freeing the breath, and overall well-being
• Release imbalances that contribute to thoracic outlet problems, restricted breathing, carpal tunnel & others
• The importance of the neck, ribcage and thoracic outlet in alleviating problems felt in the upper extremities
will also be addressed.

Upper Extremities, some specifics:
• Eight tension points important to the structural integrity of shoulder and restoration of function after injury
• Mobilize and align the joints of shoulder and arm, including scapulae, clavicle, elbow, (including tendonitis/
osis, tennis elbow and golf elbow), wrist and entire hand (important to carpal tunnel), including carpals, metacarpals, phalanges and each digit of each finger.
• Release the forearm muscles without causing pain (“aaahhh,” massage therapists)
• Release imbalances in the clavicle and scapula that contribute to thoracic outlet problems, carpal tunnel & others
• The importance of the neck, ribcage and thoracic outlet in alleviating problems felt in the upper extremities
will also be discussed, as time allows.

Lower Extremities, some specifics:
• Internal / external femur rotation
• Four ways to release the psoas without causing pain
• Release and rebalance patella
• Structural alignment for femur /tibia, including override / underride, lateral shear, internal/external rotation,
meniscus, periosteal knee points including the master knee point
Rebalance the fibula
• Restore tibia/talus alignment, calcaneous/talus alignment (important to a wide range of foot problems)
• Release tension in the the lateral and horizontal arches of the foot, and every bone in the foot
• Discuss relationship of low back pain, sciatic pain and unstable pelvis to imbalances in the leg and foot.